Actually this isn't true. Americans are less likely to lend their support to women than to a black male candidate. And faaar less likely to lend their support to a homosexual candidate. I actually break the same data apart in more detail here (
I didn't include that data, which is a simple statement of fact, to imply that there aren't issues of discrimination that affect other groups. Just to point out that this is true of black people. And not, for example, true of white men.
I often highlight issues that affect black people. But not to attack white people. And not to argue that nobody else has problems. I want people to uderstand where ideas like Kendi's "antiracism" come from. I disagree with his conclusions very strongly, but I understand the frustration and resentment that makes them popular in some circles.
I want people to think about lives and experiences are different from their own in ways that they probably haven't considered. But I always strive to tell the truth as I do that. If the truth feels inflammatory, well, all the more reason to tell it in my opinion.