Again this is a conclusion in search of a premise.
The conclusion is that the world economy is organised around "their" languages. But there are some pesky facts in the way. So let's first just edit out Arabic and Chinese entirely. Let's Ignore that the reason English is pretty much the lingua franca (and Spanish is a close second) is colonialism and try to make it about modern day racism. Let's ignore that the ubiquity of a language is largely governed by trade (even today, that's why Chinese is becoming so important) and pretend, again, that it's about racism.
Also, notice how you seamlessly switch between "Euro-descendent" and "white people" when "white people" obviously doesn't make your argument for you any more. That's why I highlighted how many other languages are spoken by white "Euro descendants". Is Gaelic dying out because of white supremacy too? Or are there, perhaps, reasons why languages are more or less popular that have nothing to do with racism?
No. I'm far from the only person claiming that Asians are white. I'm surprised you haven't seen this, that's why I said it without qualification. A Google search for "are Asians White" will do.
Abandoning the lie of race, especially at an individual level, is not about the entire history of racism since time immemorial. I haven't advocated cultural sameness at all. In fact, I repeated to you numerous times that I believe culture should be for everybody. But black people aren't "a people". At least not one people. Just as Europeans aren't "a people" and Asians aren't "a people". We represent an incredibly diverse range of histories and cultures and have made huge contributions to Western culture, which is also"ours." We should feel truly free to engage with all cultures that interest us or appeal to us. Not just the ones that by some tragically limited understaing of ourselves we consider "ours".
Again, just as the white supremacists talk about "sticking to our own" and "protecting our culture." Increasingly often, I see people of colour saying exactly the same thing. This is unequivocally a step backwards. And leads to exactly the same place.
It's not that I expect to get anything out of these exchanges. I've had literally thousands of conversations about race on Medium lone. Never mind in other formats and in person. It's incredibly rare that somebody says something I haven't seen numerous times before. You asked me a question, I answered. I'm happy to do that, but I can't do it forever. At least not unless you're planning to pay me for my time😅
I think you're searching for answers and I respect that. That's why I've continued with this conversation for as long as I have. But I think there's enough food for thought here to last for a while. If I've not said anything in this whole conversation that gave you food for thought, I guess I'm not much use as a sounding board. If I have, please do go and think about it. It's too easy for conversations like this to become point scoring exercises. I'm sure I'll write some other article at some point where you disagree with me. Come back to me then.