Ah, I hadn’t heard about this case, I thought you were taking about Masterpiece vs Colorado.
Yeah, this one isn’t black and white for me because, as I said, discrimination is itself a key cultural issue. In fact, it’s a legal issue. There are laws against discrimination for good reason. So the idea that there’s a “climate of fear” around discriminating against people for who they are, doesn’t strike me as the worst thing in the world.
Curious why you think the comparison to lunch counters is ridiculous. It’s okay to be bigoted if the population size being discriminated against is smaller?
A climate of fear is obviously not the way to go. I’d much rather people accepted others because they opened their minds. But, of course, legislation wouldn’t be necessary if more people were willing to attempt that.
This is the problem that I’m talking about in the article. Everybody is able to see how “the other side” are screwing up. And they usually have a point. But far fewer are willing to turn that lens on themselves and realise they’re also contributing to the problem.