Ah what a relief, thank you for explaining your point in racialised terms, us poor black people simply can't understand the world unless you spoon-feed it to us in the context of slavery 🙄
Actually, I don't really care what you call it. Slavery is unpaid involuntary labour. But there have been many different cases of slavery throughout history. And they weren't all the same in their scope and horror. So yes, add in the details of the lynchings and beatings and dehumanisation and the people stolen from their homelands, and sure, who cares what name you give that?
I'm not arguing that one word or phrase should be replaced with any other (not sure where you got that from), I'm arguing that the specifics of what is happening are far more important than quibbling about which word to use. The details are horrifying enough, and explain what's going on with the precision it deserves. The same is true of the Atlantic slave trade.