Ah, there it is. Of course, like everybody who makes this lazy, stupid "accusation", you ignore the black people who also follow my writing. You aren't pro-black, you're just pro-"black people who affirm your point of view."
That's easier to swallow from white racists, but from black people? It really sucks. And how the fact that white and black people appreciate my writing suggests that I consider myself inferior is a mystery I'll leave to you to try and justify.
But as for what makes me think you consider yourself inferior, one is the fact that you're the same person who described the colour of our skin as "unfortunate" a few articles ago, and second, its the fact that here you claim that black people don't have the "social license" to affect the wellbeing of other (read: white) people.
If you don't see how this is a disempowerment narrative that you're telling yourself, I don't know what to tell you. But I'll say this; there is nothing that a white person has the power to do to me that I don't have the power to do right back. I don't exercise that power because I'm a decent human being. As are most people. But my kindness is not weakness.