Ah, this is something different.. or actually, maybe not in the end...
This is a demostration of the power of ideas. And most importantly, that power is derived from the fact that the ideas are shared by other people. AS you said, white supremacy became more "in the open". It wasn't created by Trump, it was just given permission to show itself. So is the problem really Trump? Or the hatred that was lurking just below the suface?
This is really my point, we don't defeat hatred by hiding certain words. We defeat it by coming face to face with each other and talking. Sometimes those conversations will go horribly of course, but as I said originallly, they're the only way forward. And the only way we (on the non hateful side) can have those conversations is if we disempower those hateful words, no?
As you said, it's unjust. We're being asked to take on a bulk of work that we shouldn't have to. But what's the alternative? Not just for progress, but for our own wellbeing.