Ah Wilma. It must be strange to live in a world where you assume that everybody with a different opinion to you must have some evil or disingenuous agenda.
Is it possible in your mind that two honest people can simply disagree? That I'm not "getting anything out of it" other than telling the truth as I see it? Is it even possible *gasp* that you might be missing something??
How do you explain the numerous other people who have also read the book and agree with what I've written here? Are they all just lying too?
Did you miss the part where I recommended the work of black writers on racism who I think did a better job? Or did you just skim through for bits you could disagree with?
I actually think it's valuable to have conversations wiht people I disagree with. We seem to disagree on pretty much everything, so I'd like to have a good-faith conversation with you. But I'm not going to tolerate your attacks on my character and projection of your insecurities in the process.