Ah yes, English. The one and only European language. French, German, Swedish, Russian, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Gaelic, Estonian, on and on, nobody in Europe speaks these. Or maybe the people who speak these languages aren’t white in your opinion? And, of course, the growing ubiquity of Chinese in the business world is further evidence of white supremacy.
You can make statements like this because you are so quick to insert racism as your primary cause in every single problem that you don't give any serious thought to the world beyond the narrow filter you apply to it and people in general. This will always make you less precise and occasionally make you say silly things like this.
We could talk about the legacy of the British Empire, we could talk about market forces unfairly advantaging/disadvantaging nations, we could talk about modern day colonialism (mostly by the Chinese, the world is really sleeping on this), we could talk about the huge wealth inequality in oil-rich Middle Eastern countries and financial corruption in South America, we could certainly talk about the exploitation of natural resources by powerful economies, but no. It's all about "white people". I just don't have the time to explain how huge your blind spot is here.
Describing black people who have become judges and principals and government officials as "tokens" is gross. I'm not even going to entertain this, it's literally the kind of crap your archetypal racist would say, and the first time you've said something which I consider genuinely stupid. What an insulting thing to say about people who have worked hard and earned their position. I daresay you wouldn't say it to their faces. And the only reason you say it at all is because these inconvenient black people put the lie to your insistence that the world is always and forever against them.
As always with talk about incarceration rates, they're discussed as if they happen in a total vacuum. You want to talk about crime rates among black/latino males too? Do you think there's likely to be any correlation between levels of violent crime and incarceration rates? Are you interested in thinking about these problems seriously at all?
Just in case I need to say it, no, I'm not suggesting that people of colour are inherently more criminal. But due to a number of different factors, people of colour do commit more crime. Yes, the legal system also treats people of colour unfairly. As with almost all problems, there isn't a single, all encompassing bogeyman (which is why "white people" isn't a good answer to every single question). But you can't solve problems when you're only looking at half of them. If the legal system were magically cleansed of racism tomorrow, you'd still see a disproportionate number of people of colour in prison.
Anyway J. I'm not sure what we're talking about anymore. I'm certain I've said something you disagree with here, and you could send a reply arguing with it, and then I'd disagree with that, and send you a reply arguing, and we'd conceivably go on forever. Again, we've being going back and forth for literally months. We're light years away from our original topic. What are you hoping to get out of this conversation?