Ahh! There it is! 😍 I just love it when trans people and their allies reveal their ignorance and racism because they think they're being clever and/or original.
Let me see if I can remember how this goes…
So black people aren’t really human in the same sense that white people are. Is that right? We’re only, hmm, what shall we say? Three-fifths of a human? Only good for working in the fields with our strong backs and our thick lips? Just one homogenous lump of "humanity" with no genetic diversity at all. I mean, if you think of it like that, of course it's not fair if we compete with "normal" people!
In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret; black people need to have surgery and take hormones for our entire lives just so that we can do a passable impression of human beings!! After all, we’re just white people who were “born in the wrong body.”
Hmmm, how should we deal with the pesky problem of racial mixing though? Maybe some kind of rule? Like...I don't know...a "one-drop" rule? If a person has even one drop of tainted black blood, we should make them compete in a separate Negro league!!
You know? I think you're onto something here! It's a wonder that nobody else has ever thought of it!