Alright, I'm going to try to resist the urge to be sarcastic here. But did you actually read these links?
From the NYT story, here's a quote from one of the organisers of the police alternative you're describing. An alternative, bear in mind, that still requires the police force, that only covers a roving two-block area, and that lists among its key accomplishments, "stopping a pregnant woman from punching her boyfriend.":
"While they know that we do need police, it’s possible that we can police ourselves."
Here's a quote from a woman who lives in the area, who owns a business there, and is terrified at the prospect of just five days of the police referring calls to this group:
"It’s like they left us without protection. It doesn’t give me peace."
True, this fear isn't universal. As another person who works for the group says, "If we can calm them down and get them to walk away, what’s the problem? You should want that."
And, of course, every sane person wants that. But there are many situations, every day, where you can't get people to calm down and walk away. Many situations where the criminal you're dealing with will have a gun and the members of this group don't have the training or weaponry to handle that. Many situations where you're dealing with a situation more complex than a pregnant woman who's pissed because her boyfriend didn't buy the car seat he promised.
And just in case you didn't think to ask yourself, the drop in violent crime mentioned in the article is explained here. And, surprise, surprise, has nothing to do with the volunteers in grey sweatshirts.
> You assume you have a better solution.
Yes, I'm very well aware that capitalism has motivated countless horrors around the world. As I said, I'd love to see a functioning alternative. But to paraphrase Churchill, it very much seems to be the worst economic system apart from all the others. Also, you think there wasn't/isn't slavery in communist/socialist societies?
The advantage of capitalism is that it's more flexible than communism or socialism. It can be hybridised, as in Norway and pretty much every country in the world. What is social security if not a socialist system? What about universal healthcare? What about labour unions? Capital isn't the only control mechanic in most (if not all?) developed countries in the world today.
And also, capitalism doesn't require top-down control over what I believe to be fundamental aspects of human nature like the drive to self-determination and success/status and a sense of fairness. The obvious downside is that it leaves the worst of these impulses unchecked.
> Yeah, this isn't a real thing.
Again, I suggest you try reading links before using them as counterarguments. I mean, Jesus, the sub-header is, "When a majority of City Council members promised to “end policing as we know it” after George Floyd’s killing, they became a case study in how idealistic calls for structural change can falter."
Yes, Minneapolis city council voted to defund the police. The police force began haemorrhaging officers as they resented being treated as the enemy (and thought their jobs were gone anyway) leading to a rise in crime as the remaining officers were spread impossibly thin.
The council then reversed course and re-hired, I think I'm correct in saying, more police than they originally had. But not before the aforementioned spike in crime led to more deaths.
> This is conjecture, not a fact.
As for this, again, I’m beginning to worry that you really don’t see the issue here. If activism isn’t practical, if there doesn't need to be any connection between grievance and action, what’s to stop me from saying, for example, that my solution to any random police shooting will be a week of mindless destruction targeted almost entirely at private citizens.
How will this ameliorate the problem, you ask? Bah, don’t be such a slave to mainstream propaganda. Just have faith that my setting fire to your car or stealing from your business will somehow aid this noble cause.
Oh, by the way, I’m also pissed at...uh, let's say the government's historic treatment of indigenous people. So I’m going to burn your house down with your family in it as an expression of my outrage. That cool? I mean, surely you’re not the kind of monster who would try to "tell [me] what to do." You may "only suggest and [I] can listen if [I] please." Right? What a genius way to run a society. Laws, schmaws.
And surely you wouldn't want some kind of organised, well trained force to prevent this kind of thing from happening. I'm sure a few volunteers in grey sweatshirts could handle it. Yep, I totally believe you aren't just a poser and you'd stick to these ideals if anybody was stupid enough to enact your half-baked ideas in society. Or if the violence affected you.