And I didn't do any of these things to you. I never would. In fact, I've fought, physically, on two separate occasions to defend trans people who were being harassed. Verbally on many other occasions.
I’m not going to be an avatar for every bully you’ve ever faced or a release mechanism for whatever pain and venom you have inside you because of how you've been mistreated by other people. I'm sorry for it. Truly I am. But it's nothing to do with me or anything I’ve ever written.
Sadly I have a few readers who choose to direct their own personal unhappiness onto me. On a range of issues. Race, trans issues, politics, it doesn’t seem to matter. Some people lack the emotional maturity to read an opinion, consider the possibility that it's not all about them, and disagree, if they do disagree, in a way that might lead to more understanding instead of more animosity.
Instead, they decide I'm some kind of monster who holds views that are a million miles from anything I believe, and attack me personally because doing so is easier than acknowledging the existence of nuance.
If you want to join their ranks, that's fine. it doesn't take me much time to respond, and occasionally a glimmer of self-awareness pokes through.