And my answer, while not defending the withdrawal at all (I was against it), is that you're ignoring the 20 years of effort, billions of dollars, and thousands of lives spent trying to help the Afghan liberation to become self-sustaining.
I don't know where the point should have been, but I think any reasonable person has to admit that a mission to liberate a country cannot go on indefinitely. Again, I think Biden got it wrong, but your argument is basically:
"They didn't stay there forever, so they might as well not have gone at all."
As for your distrust of the media, if you're seriously claiming that you trust the American media less than Russian propaganda, then I'm out. This is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. Not least because, guess what? Because you don't live in Russia, you're free to get your news from Europe, or Canada, or Australia, or any country whose language you can speak.
The Russian people aren't stupid, the just aren't allowed to know anything Putin doesn't want them to know. Reporters there risk their freedom by publishing the truth.