And? Yes, I have many problems with Obama's foreign policy. If I'd been writing back then I'd certainly have called it out. And again, you've gone around in the same circle. If you were here arguing that, for example, the Darfur genocide was a good thing actually (or even just an unavoidable thing), if the Sudanese government were being funded and supported by the West, I'd be arguing with you about that. But that's not the case.
And, it seems your Jungian training hasn’t inoculated you against projection. I haven’t identified you with Netanyahu, I haven't expressed, nor do I feel, any hate. I’m not anti-Israel. As I said, I have very fond memories of Israel. I have good friends there. I’m simply anti genocide. If you conflate the two in your mind, well, that's one for you to think about.
Again, if we were all in agreement about the evil of what Israel is doing (and I believe we would be if I swapped the name "Israel" out for any other country and left the rest of the facts the same), if I didn’t see lies and distortions about Israel’s oppression and slaughter of the Palestinians repeated almost daily, if much of the Western world wasn’t funding this slaughter and standing in solidarity with it, it would very likely have faded into the same background radiation of terribleness that other atrocities reside in.
But yes! Now you're getting it! I understood this long ago. I've even written it in several articles. You're not responsible for Netanyahu, millions of Americans aren't responsible for Trump, and, drum roll please, the Palestinians aren't responsible for Hamas! See how that works!
I'm not asking for anybody to be gentle with Hamas. I never ever have. I don't know how I can possibly have made that any clearer in my many, many responses to you. But I am asking for Israel to be gentle with the Palestinian people. Not just now, but in general. And many nations would be gentler with the Palestinians. Some, because they still respect international law, but most because they haven't been infected by a racist, supremacist government that sees stealing Palestinian land, by any means necessary, as "an expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel."
I don't know you, nor do I think I do. All I can judge you by are the words appearing on the screen in front of me. I have no way of telling whether some of the things you're saying here are because of ignorance (I say that without judgement, we're all, very much including me, ignorant of some things) or dishonesty.
You seem intelligent, yet some of the points you make are so poorly thought through that they seem to veer towards dishonesty, Others, I know I've personally debunked elsewhere with you but you repeat them, so those also seem dishonest, but that doesn't mean I've formed an opinion about you in general or I see you as a fundamentally dishonest person. If we met, I'm sure we'd get on great.
If there's one thing I've learned over the past several years talking to people online, it's that some people form emotional attachments to opinions. And once they do, they are largely incapable of thinking about them clearly. The security of your home is as good a reason as any to do this. But it's time, if ever there was one, to look carefully and seriously at all of the things that threaten that security.
Israel has a serious extremism problem. A problem that can be seen in its society (I saw it when I was there) but especially in its government. And if you think it ends once Israel has bombed enough Palestinians, you're badly mistaken.
The idea of an "unassailable right" to a piece of land that supersedes the rights of the people who were living there, and a right to hold a majority there based on identity alone, is incredibly dangerous. Again, I think you'd see that if I swapped out "Jewish" for any other identity group. That dangerous idea has led to a deep fracture in Israel that the world is seeing. If you're honest, I think you see to. The question is: do you have the courage to look at that shadow.