Because you are, right? Go ahead and correct me.😅 Swear to me that anybody who looked at you wouldn't say you were white. Better yet, have the guts to put your name and face behind your words. It's so cute how the white people who are most callous and defensive and ignorant about racial issues imagine they can hide their identity on the internet just because there's no photo identifying them.
Your ignorance identifies you. There isn't a person of colour in the world ignorant enough to say what you said, and certainly not the way you said it. There isn't a person of colour (or any well-adjusted adult) in the world who would go on a "trolling rampage" of race articles. I "make the supposition" that you're a man too. It doesn't take a genius. You aren't nearly as clever as you think.
Anti-semitism and racism are not the same. The reason discrimination is a 0.2 for you is because your Jewishness isn't etched into your skin. Your Jewishness didn't mark you and every other Jew, by law, as a lesser citizen in America until 60 years ago. I'm not setting up a competition here. I'm not saying that racism is worse than anti-semitism. I'm saying that the fact that you experience so little anti-semitism is fantastic. I'm genuinely happy about it. But that doesn't mean that black people in America have the same experience.
The frustrating irony is that I agree with you that race hustlers are divisive and whiny and idiotic. I've called them out myself on many occasions (far more productively than you did obviously). I write regularly about how thigs have gotten better, even while ackowledging that there's more to be done. But I wouldn't "soil my britches" so badly at an article about whiteness that I wouldn't be able to read it before whining in the comments. That luxury is reserved only for the most delicate, unwittingly bigoted white people (note that the overwhelming majority of the white people who commented had no problem actually reading and understanding the article).
And no. All you're doing by "seesawing with the hustlers" is making the converstion more toxic and more divided. Don't pretend we're on opposite ends of the same team. We are not. Do you imagine you're doing anything worthwhile? No. Of course you don't. But you don't care, do you?It's too much fun for you to "own" those whiny POCs. Right? All you're doing in their minds is proving them right about how terrible white people are. Yes, they can tell that you're white too...