BLM, even just BLM Chicago and Grassroots, are not political nobodies (especially as, again, BLMGN did not disavow the stance of those or any other chapters).
Many students at Harvard are not, or soon will not be, political nobodies. And the current president of Harvard did not disavow the stance of the students.
The WWP are not political nobodies. And nobody in the WWP, as far as I'm aware, has disavowed the statement released on their official website. God, the short-sightedness is astonishing.
What would be enough for you? Biden sitting in the Oval Office in sunglasses saying, “F*** them Jews”?
Again, my key criticism here is about a mindset that allows people, who think they’re on the side of good, to applaud and celebrate naked terrorism. There is absolutely abundant evidence of this. And if you look, there are no good ol’ boys in those crowds. There are no God and country Republicans. They’re people who would claim to be on the Left despite being the most illiberal people imaginable.
You're worried about my single article providing ammunition to the Right??! You don't think the thousands of people openly celebrating terrorism in rallies and marches already did that far more effectively? Are you high?
It’s like there’s a fire in your house and you’re mad at me for pointing to it.
"Woke" is the de facto term for a world and political view built around critical theory and cultural Marxism. I'd be extraordinarily happy to do away with the term, as would many other lifelong liberals.
The problem is, every time we point to the obvious issues with this political movement, we get bright sparks like yourself saying "wOkE iSn'T a ThInG!!11!"
So in the immortal words of Freddie deBoer, "please just fucking tell me what term I am allowed to use for the sweeping social and political changes you demand." Or for the cancerous worldview that allows people to celebrate the murder of 1400 innocent civilians.
Seriously, instead of burying your head in the sand, try actually answering this. Because it sure as hell isn't liberalism or representative of the Left.