But here's the thing, I'm not disagreeing with this at all. As far as I know about the transgender community, I agree that their concerns are often invalidated. I've seen the cruelty that some people direct at transgener people for no reason. I've spoken out against it publicly when I've seen it. But invalidating concerns is not invalidating existence.
My existence as a black man, for example, is unviolable. It doesn't matter what you call me, it doesn't matter what you claim about "my kind", it doesn't matter what you assume about me (obviiously I'm using the royal "you" here, I'm not accusing you personally of calling, claiming or assuming anything), I know who I am. I know many black people for whom this isn't true and they suffer needlessly because of it and think the problem is that other people don't agee wiith them enough..
I'm not trying to blame transgender people for the way some people treat them, I'm saying that framing all disagreement as hatred and a direct cause of suicide makes conversation almost impossible. People will disagree with you sometimes. People will be uneducated sometimes. This isn't hatred, it's an opportunity to talk.
Coincidentally, I was just having a similar conversation about how some black peeople talk about race. We were discussing an artiocle in which the author claimed that she feared all white people were white supremacists who wanted to do nothing but kill her (I know it sounds like I'm being hyperbolic but that's literally what she said).
Framing minority conversations like this, teaching each other to think about the world like this, it doesn't help us. It weakens us.