Dude, I'm sorry, I'm not even going to read all of this. This conversation has already gone on way too long to address a sinple linguistic fact that everybody (apart from you apparently) understands.
I read the first line. So I'll address that. I said there was no equivalent for people of any other colour meaning that there's no word that is so reviled cross-culturally that is aimed at one specific group of people. There isn't.
Despite your insistence to the contrary, I'm not talking about or trying to diminish other people's feelings. I'm talking about the way this particular word is viewed by society. Other words, like "nig-nog" or "darkie" or "spic" or "Paki" or whatever else you care to mention also shouldn't be used. They also cause pain.
*Nobody is denying that*
But their treatment in society at large is different. You know this. It's a waste of my time continuing to argue with you because you don't want to admit it.