Dude! We were literally just talking about one such person in our last exchange. It's just dishonesty all the way down with you isn't it?!
Also, here's dozens more: https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/this-never-happens
You won't look of course, because you're not interested anything but clinging to your lopsided view of this situation. You'll tell yourself that Graeme Linehan is mean and therefore everything he says should be ignored, you won't bother to independently check these cases for yourself, as I have. Or maybe you'll tell yourself that each of these cases is "happening in people's imaginations."
Or, if you're feeling really smart, you'll tell yourself that men rape too. And you'd be absolutely right. But, of course, this is precisely why we don't let men into women's spaces. Not because all men are rapists, not even close, but because those who are, are indistingushable from those who aren't until a woman has been raped.
Maybe, instead of faking outrage about the appearance of the word in an article, you could muster a little genuine concern about the reality of it happening.