Good question!! This is one of the many questions I think deserve smarter, more nuanced answers than "white supremacy".
For the answer, you'll have to ask Tony Evers, the governor of Wisconsin. Even though Kenosha has a population of around 100,000 people, and even though the police were overwhelmed, he called in just 125 guardsmen on the first night and 125 more on the second. He was being told by all concerned that it wasn't enough.
No I don't live in Kenosha. Clearly nor do you. So I'm not sure why that's relevant. And given that I have no idea how you're defining the "MSM" or what you think is "credible", you give yourself the option of dismissing any evidence that proves you wrong as "biased". But my source for all the information I've accepted as true (beyond double and triple checked sources and the trial), is video evidence from people on the street that night.
Here's a video of the destruction happening on the first day of "protesting", uploaded the day before the shooting:
No, I have no evidence that it wasn't the Boogaloo Boys or the Proud Boys or whatever other scapegoat you'd like to choose. Do you have any specific, meaningful, credible evidence that it was them? And spare me the reportage of whatever crackpot, conspiracy theory sources of so-called "real" information. The point is, it doesn't matter. Somebody was setting the fires and destroying the property. The police didn't or couldn't prevent it. So the militia went to downtown Kenosha to try to stop it.
Finally, given that I started with your best question, I'll end with your worst. Of course I believe there's such a thing as a peaceful demonstration. What a ridiculous question. And more to the point what on Earth does it have to do with this trial? The point is simply that what was happening, at least in parts of Kenosha, clearly didn't fit the definition.