Hahaha! I see, so you're a social anthropologist of black people now? Great, let's see how mch you know about our "norms, attitudes, behaviours, priorities, etc".
Today, many of the poorest housing communities in America are dominated by black people. Crime is rife there. Why is this? Racism? Or just black people being black people?
p.s. this gave me a good laugh, the fact that you think that black people's "norms, attitudes, and behaviours" are any more generalisable than a white person's reveals exactly how you think. Try that on Loury or McWhorter or Sowell.😂 You sound like a critical race theorist!
p.p.s No, my behaviour in one-on-one discussions is not to make it personal. You really are incapable of factoring in your own behaviour aren't you? Go look through my comments. There are literally thousands of them. I make great efforts to be polite and patient as I have done with you.
But a) if you imagine that talking to black strangers about your ill-informed belief that racism has no impact on people's lives, will be friction free, you must be on the spectrum.
And b) when you make anybody of any colour repeat themselves over and over again they'll eventually get frustrated with you. I dare say that you'd have been blocked a thousand times over by most other writers.