Hahaha, I'm a veritable rollercoaster ride. But to be clear, I'm not arguing that America is a racist country. I'm not arguing that it isn't. I'm saying that the question itself is stupid. Again. Who cares?
If it is a racist country, something should be done about that racism. If it isn't a racist country, something still needs to be done about the racial disparities caused by its racist history. Why not just skip the middle man and get straight to addressing the problems?
Your claim that the elimination of racism has been a project in America for hundreds of years is just flat out demonstrably untrue. Well, actually, let me nuance that. People have been fighting to rid America of racism for hundreds of years, but America itself, with the full might of it's legal system and social infrastructure, was fighting to maintain it until, generously, 56 years ago.
I don't think I'm stirring up racial animosity at all. I have no idea why you mentioned George Floyd. I certainly didn't. And I've never claimed that his murder was racially motivated. I've spoken about Tony Timpa and Duncan Lemp and others. I've pointed out numerous times how ridiculous the "maths is racist" lot are. In fact, I'm speaking out against these idiots. I'm actually putting my neck on the line. The entire reason I speak out against them is that they cause the kind of "race issue fatigue" you seem to be expressing here.
But let's be clear, things weren't better for black people pre-Obama. In fact, in many ways they were worse. Your discomfort, your desire to return to a time when we just didn't talk about that stuff, is selfish. It's not progress except for you. And it's not at all comparable to MLK's dream of a race-blind society. To be fair, what on earth makes you think that there's a race-blind society anywhere or that you're in a position to notice?
MLK talked about race you may have noticed. He talked about it a lot. But he didn't resort to divisiveness and race-baiting. That's what I try to do. MLK and his peers made great progress, but a lot of things were left broken. Those things can't be fixed without taking about race.
So a) please don't take your frustrations with the woke crowd out on me. Just because I'm black doesn't mean I think that way. That should be obvious. And b) just because there are stupid people saying stupid things about race doesn't mean racism no longer exists or impacts people's lives. If that makes you uncomfortable, just imagine how it makes them feel.