Hi Lucas, thanks for this. I'm not even that ambitious. I don't think we'll ever get to a point where "race isn't a thing", but I don't think we need to. There are a thousand different ways we could differentiate oursleves; height, left-handedness, age, religion, hair colour, on and on.
The goal as I see it is to reach a point where these differences aren't considered meaningful. The world is interesting because we're different, it's the belief that those differences should divide us that's the problem.
Reparations are a big topic, and personally, I think completely unworkable. Especially at this point in history. In an ideal world, the slaves would have received reparations as they walked off the plantation. That was the time. Not now. The question of who has a clai is too diffuse. The practicalities of figuring out the amount owed are too abstract. I think the best we can do now is things like affirmative action.
As for your questions:
1) You're forgetting that there are more ethnic groups than black and white 😜 That 20% is being shared by EVERYBODY else. White people make up about 60% of the population.
2) No, this would also be under the heading of reparations and as I said, I think largely unworkable. If black people were after REVENGE however, I'd say have at it.