Hi Rori, thanks very much for replying. If you'd read Rowling's comments first hand, you'd know that this isn't the case. I quote:
"I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth."
I know you disagree with her about whether trans people are "erasing the concept of sex", but this is disagreement, not hatred. I've read her essay, it's not a diatribe. She's a woman who has experienced abuse at the hands of a man and as such has a lot of fear towards them. Heck, I'm a man, I don't like hearing her talk about men as if we're all dangerous, wannabe rapists. But fear does that to people.
Look, I'm not trying to make you like Rowling. It makes absolutely no difference to my life how she's thought of. The reason I think this issue is important is because I see over and over again how many trans people paint disagreement as hatred and I think it only serves to harm your community.
Many cis people don't understand trans people and trans issues. But many of them would be more interested in learning if their questions and comments weren't immediately attacked as hatred and bigotry.
It has to be possible to have a conversation. And to have a conversation people have to be able to disagree and make mistakes without being branded the enemy.
Thanks again, I'm glad we got a chance to talk.