Hi Wiilma, I really don't understand this argument. First of all, I'm not the least biit convinced that these photos of white people grinning with their children in front of the charred body of a black person exist. And certainly not "many" as you claim.
But even if I'm wrong about that, and even if we aren't talking about photos taken hundreds of years ago when America was a vastly different place, what do we gani by blaming the white people of today for the wrong they did?
Those photos are always going to have existed, right? In a hundred years, in a thousand, there wilil never be a time when slavery and all the evils that came with it is so long ago that it ceases to exist. So what's the plan?
Do we hold each successive generation of white people responsible for it forever? If we reach a society where 99% of white people aren't racist, do we still hold all of them to the same standard as the 1%?
My point is that for racism to end, we have to reach a point where we are willing to look forward, even as we never forget that all the evils of slavery and lynching are there behind us. Do you hold modern day Germans responsible for the Holocaust? Or modern day Americans responsible for the horrors of the Vietnam War or dropping atomic bombs on civilians?
Most importantly, when do we stop judging all white people by the standards of the worst of them? This is exactly what racists today do to us.