How do you know this? Why are you so certain? Is the fact that you chose to write a comment on the article of a black man a coincidence? SHOuld I be reading something into it? Is every interaction racialised if not between people of the same race?
Again, I'm not saying that ther was no racial motivation to this crime, simply that there's currently no evidence to support that claim. But what's bizarre to me is the unshakeable certainty coming from people like yourself that you understand the motivations of somebody who you know nothing about. In fact, the only thing you DO currently know about him suggests that the crime wasn't racially motivated.
I'm not trying to deny the existence of anti-Asian crime, it's obviously happening and is abhorrent. I just don't understand the desperate attempts to make this particular case about racism despite what we know.
I mean, "Religion is constantly used in this country to withhold life and liberty from sex workers, from women, from the BIPOC community" Seriously?! So every religious person is guilty of this by association? It's insane.