I don't necessarily disagree with this. Although it's very easy to spout things like this when you're not the one dying. I'm sure many, many people in Gaza disagree with you. And I'm not convinced you'd be so forthright if you were really faced with death. Plus, if you support the Palestinian people, don't you think they should have been given the right to choose for themselves?
But a) the people in Gaza aren't dying in dignity. They're being blown to pieces by bombs and crushed under rubble. And very soon, simply starving to death. And b) Hamas didn't choose to simply die with dignity, they chose to kill and rape innocent people who had nothing to do with the situation in Gaza and had no intention of hurting them. And in the process, assured the deaths of thousands of Palestinian women and children.
Hamas haven’t crushed anything. Except, possibly, any hope for the existence of a Palestinian state. Right now, Netanyahu and his thugs are intent on bombing Palestine out of existence. As they have been for years. Only now, Hamas have handed them the justification they need to do it.
Disappointed to see that you ended on this embarrassingly stupid and racist note of "thinking I'd understand" if you explained the situation in racial terms. A) like many black people, I disagree profoundly with Malcolm X's embrace of violence while he was with the Nation of Islam. Malcolm came to realise that this approach was misguided too before he died.
And b) slavery wasn’t ended by indiscriminately slaughtering thousands of innocent women and children. The slave uprisings that did take place probably only delayed emancipation and led, through backlash, to the deaths and suffering of countless other innocent slaves. So I understand the anger. Truly I do. Both of the slaves and of the Palestinians. But I don’t understand slaughtering innocent people who have nothing to do with your oppression. I don’t accept the latter as an expression of the former.