I get that you think you've done something clever here, but you've simply demonstrated how much you've missed the point and how little you understand black history.
Some slaves didn't want to be freed. Slavery was all they'd known. They lived in an America that offered them absolutely no opportunities. They couldn't get jobs, they couldn't own property, they had no education. Many of them died. As one former slave put it "I think the white man only freed us so that we could starve to death."
Sitting in judgement of these people from our perspective hundreds of years later, only highlights how little you understand about their circumstances then. Of course the end of slavery was good for black people, but many black people suffered in new ways once slavery was over. The image of black people happily marching off the plantation into a land of opprtunity is totally ignorant.
All this to say that life is complicated. And it's hard to judge an individual's choices, even ini the context of something as obviously good as the end of slavery. I'm not saying we can't disagree, I'm saying that to impugn somebody's race because they do, is racist, ignorant and offensive.