I get where you're coming from, but I actually think this issue is hugely important. Not simply because of whether female athletics survives (though I do care about that), not simply because of the obvious danger to women that the complete breakdown of our understanding of the word "woman" represents, but because it's yet another symptom, a fairly prominent one, of the failure of our ability to engage with objective reality in the face of subjective emotion. Of our ability to solve problems inters of just scream at each other about them.
We're seeing this everywhere; politics, race, the pandemic, the Rittenhouse case, even climate change. So many of the issues we face, even those that should be simple matter of facts and science and observation, get trapped in this hysterical, zero-sum, reality-denying fog. The real problem I see with all of these is that we're not thinking.
I'm definitely not about to devote my future writing to trans issues, but the goal is, across as many issues as possible, to encourage people to stop and think.