I have almost no hope that a glimmer of self-awareness might make its way through the fog of your narcissism at this point. But as you're not clear why I didn't understand the nature of your criticism until now, it's because you were so busy trying to belittle me and present yourself as an intellectual colossus, that you never got around to making it. Here's your original comment:
Is there some reason readers should celebrate, or take an interest in, this writer's groping, tediously slow journey toward the obvious? The only 'message' delivered here is that he's arrived at the airport from which, for years, others have routinely taken flights. Well, that's nice. By all means let us know when you've boarded, and be sure to give us a full description of the unexpected wonders of the clouds.
We have ill-concealed jealousy, unprovoked condescension, an airport metaphor designed to signify your intellectual superiority to “the writer”, and, of course, the implication that you’ve seen "the obvious" long ago. But no actual substantive criticism. This is par for the course for your comments on mine and other writers’ work. You’re not trying to “engage”. You’re just trying to signal to your imaginary audience how smart you are.
You whine about how I belittle you (and don’t get me wrong, belittling bullies is a favourite pastime of mine), yet fail to acknowledge that the only reason you, and you alone, receive this treatment from me, is that you constantly try to needlessly belittle other writers on this platform. Your comment history should genuinely be a source of shame to you, if you were capable of feeling shame (sadly this inability is one of many shortcomings of narcissists).
So no, the problem isn't "the author"'s reading comprehension, it's the fact that in your haste to tear others down to lift yourself up, you neglected to make a point. I'm wide open to criticism. Especially when its constructive. I just don't tolerate bullies.
And while your tiny little mind might boggle at the fact that "the author" thinks he's telling "us" something, this is just more evidence of your inability to recognise any perspective but your own. As you noted with barely disguised envy, thousands of people have read and applauded the article. As of this writing, 74 people, far more intelligent and reasonable than yourself, have commented. Meaningful, productive conversations have ensued. And all of this because many people hadn't understood the facts of this case and its lack of connection to "white supremacy”.
One of the skills required to be a successful writer is the ability to understand what perspectives might be useful to others, even if you’ve already figured them out. Indeed, it’s only when you’ve figured them out that you can explain them effectively to other people. But again, this level of self-awareness and empathy is unavailable to narcissists. So I’m not surprised it evaded you.
You’re a waste of my time Mark. And what makes me sad/angry about it is that it’s because you choose to be. If you read and appreciate the writers you listed a couple of replies ago, you’re clearly capable of thinking. Perhaps we could even have a meaningful discussion about issues from time to time. If your aims went beyond satisfying your sad little fantasies that you're holding forth in front of an audience of non-existent onlookers, we might learn something in our exchanges. But as long as you use the comment sections of other writers' work as a space to belittle them, I'm going to treat you the same way.