I hear you, but the fact that this even *might* be true is a reflection of how completely wacky our conversation about race has become. When I write a piece about racism, clearly expressing that racism is a real problem to be solved, and you worry that I might be giving comfort to those who want to DISMISS racism, you have to ask what the hell is going on.
And what is going on is that the conversation has been hijacked by people who aren't interested in solving problems and instead only want to profit from it financially or use it as something to blame their own personal insecurities on.
I watched a show the other day talking about how black people are obese because of racism. Actually I've read a few articles about it too. I mean, seriously? There are no obese white people out there? People blame racism for the fact that nobody wants to date them or that people didn't read their articles on Medium or that they took up smoking. When a black man attacks an Asian woman on the street, what's the reason? White supremacy of course.
*This* is the stuff that gives aid to people who want to dismiss racism. Because it makes the issue seem so ridiculous, that when we talk about real issues, they get to say "oh there they go again, whining about stupid shit".