I just don't know what to do with this cherrypicked approach to debate. We can't have serious or honest conversations if I'm having to address obvious logical dead ends like these.
You're not a "breadwinner" if you're single. You're just supporting yourself as almost everybody, male and female, does at some point. This is like saying that many many do all of the domestic labour in their homes because they live alone. In relationships, men are more likely to be the earning most of the income and women are more likely to be doing the majority of the caregiving and household tasks. The gender wage gap has been so widely debunked that I'm not going to argue about it.
And you telling me that women's outcomes are worse because there's an unspecified UN report or because a female author can't go back to her country is not a source. Men are overwhelmingly the casualties of war. I can provide you with source after source after source on this if the evidence of history isn't enough. Again, the UN states categorically (if only by omission) that 89% of murdered journalists are men. 89%!!
But most importantly, this doesn't need to be a competition. I'm not trying to deny that women face all kinds of harassment. I know that women face huge dangers of sexual violence in wartime. I know that women face various hardships in societies all over the world.
What's exhausting is talking to people who absolutely can't bring themselves to acknowledge that men do too. Or who compulsively highlight the very worst men and imply that their behaviour is typical of all men. I'm not trying to draw an equivalency because, again, this isn't a competition. I'm saying that it's almost impossible to have a conversation about the issues men face because almost every attempt to do so is met with resistance and whataboutism like this.