i mean, this is just the same kind of revolutionary ideation that motivates people like the Proud Boys right? Just with the characters reversed. A group who sees themselves as decent and hardworking but disenfranchised, a simplistic cariacture of an enemy at whose feet all the blame lies. A naive fantasy that once the bad guys have been taken care of everything will function fairly and smoothly.
As wonderful (genuinely, no sarcasm) as your socialist utopia sounds, there are about a hundred reasins why it has no basis in reality.
To pick the simplest, how do you keep all the evil rich people who are going to pay for the free education and healthcare and rent their buildings cheaply and pay higher wages, motivvated to keep making that money even when the government takes most of it? WHat even keeps them in the country instead of taking their busiinesses abroad which harms the US economy and makes the problems the porr face even more acute.
I don't think you're describing the left here, I think you're describing a political dream that has no hope of being reality, or at least not a reality that you'd want to live in if you saw what it would take to maintain it.