I never claimed they were! In fact, I think I was very clear that this kind of stuff has nothing to do with supporting the LGBT community. It's a source of constant frustration that whenever I mention something that has any connection to the LGBT community, no matter how clear I am that I'm not generalising out to the enitre community, some people's minds seem to grind to a halt at that point instead of reading the rest of the article.
I'm not particularly interested in teasing apart the nuances of a homework assignment that asks 4-year-olds about masturbation. The fact that children have little or no understanding of sex is the entire point. And is exactly as it should be. I fail to see any way in which asking them where in their house they touch their genitals keeps them safe from predators.
And yes, the teacher who set the bathtub assignment did clarify that the children should be clothed after the parents complained. The point is, a) the boundary issue here should be obvious, bathtubs are places where children are normally naked. There are a million other "fun" places or fun ways they could take a picture of themselves, and b) expelling the child because of her parents' very reasonable complaint is astonishing.
I'm also not intereseted in guilt by association or purity tests. If somebody says something I think is worthwhile, I'll share it. I think Blair's quote was worthwhile. It's not an endorsement of everything else she's ever said. I also cross-check every story I link to against multiple sources, sometimes choosing websites simply because they captured a details that others didn't. I certainly don't research the founders of every website I read. Again, I'm only concerned that what is written on the page I link to is accurate and worthwhile.
I find it really sad that I have to continually explain things like this. And I really don't appreciate the inevitable comparisons to black people's struggles that commentslike these use as leverage. As you're doubtless aware, I'm very conscious of what black people went through "not so long ago." I daresay far more conscious than you. And because I'm aware of it, every article I write about other issues is written with great care not to further marginalise already marginalised groups. I don’t need a reminder thank you.
What I do need, is for my readers to actually read the words I'm writing instead of jumping to conclusions about my intentions or dismissing sources because they don't have 10-year track records of perfection. Again, I don't even mention the LGBT community until I'm vigorously pointing out that these examples should in no way be considered supporting of or related to the LGBT community.