I think the key thing women can do is extend empathy. Simple as that. This certainly doesn't mean pity-fucking.😅 It means that in the comments of this very article, I'm debating with about five different women who are all mad that I've written this article that doesn't impune women in any way but simply points to some uncontroversially cruel and negative depictions of men.
And these women are mad at me simply for pointing to those depictions. They're mad at me for the mere suggestion that men too are human, and might benefit from some empathy. They're mad at me for daring to suggest that the average man (and especially the average teenage boy) isn't personally responsible for the problems women face.
If a woman wrote an article about the issues women face, whether or not she placed the blame for those problems on men, I'm sure there'd be a few comments from men complaining or "what-about"ing or accusing her of misandry. And I'm sure 100% of the women currently complaining in my comments, along with me, would be united in our disdain for the ignorance and self-centredness of those men.
All I'm asking for is the same energy when it comes to the issues facing men.
No "emotional labour," no pity-fucks, no articles or public speeches, just not outrage when somebody points out that most men also face challenges in society that are widely under recognised because our society has very little empathy for men.