I think this is the curse of those of us who spend too much time online. We come to believe that what we see on the internet is an accurate representation of what society in general is like. This couldn't be further from the truth.
People are, almost without fail, dumber, meaner and more absolutist online than they are in person. Anonymity does strange things to the human psyche. If the world was as it's represented on Twitter or YouTube, humanity would have drowned in its own faeces long ago.
Plus only a small percentage of people bother to interact with the content they watch, and they're often very young, attention-seeking people at that. This is also the problem with arguing online, you never know if there's a 12-year old on the other side of the screen.
Is there a racism problem in the UK? Yes. Sadly there is in much of the world. But I wouldn't use the internet to gauge its severity.