I think you were relying on me to parrot the oppression narratives that are so popular with some people in the black community and other minority communities. But I find no comfort in false victimhood.
The response of almost every developed nation in the world was to stand behind Israel. Even as they bombed, and continue to bomb, innocent people. Yes, there have been awful antisemitic protests. We've all seen them. I wrote condemning them. But to pretend this is how "the world responded" is just so disingenuous.
And how do you not understand that right now, pro-Palestinian people are claiming that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza? And given the 1200/10,000+ ratio, they have a pretty strong case. God, I swear, as with so many issues today, if people on both sides could just try looking from a perspective other than their own, we'd have these issues solved in a day.
Yes, I've already agreed that Hamas needs to be removed. But for several reasons, I don't think bombing Gaza civilians is the way to do it. Aside from the obvious humanitarian issues (knowing "exactly why" you're being meaninglessly slaughtered for something you didn’t do is probably cold comfort), there's the war of public opinion. Israel, having almost unanimous support after Oct 7th, is losing it by killing so many innocent civilians. And Hamas knows it. Arguably, that was their plan all along. They have no problem with using Palestinian civilians as pawns.
But we'll see. History will prove one approach or the other correct. I just hope as few people as possible die as we watch that old definition of madness (doing the same thing and expecting different results) play out.