I wish that elderly and...right?? people would stop attempting to be condescending while flaunting their ignorance. Yes, I'm familiar with the geography of the region. There is plenty of criticism to go around if we eat to relitigate the entire history of the region. Clearly neither side is blameless here. We can "coulda, woulda, shoulda" until the end of time.
The facts of the matter in 2024 are quite simple. Israel is breaking international law by occupying territory it gained since 1967 though illegal settlements, apartheid land purchasing laws, and conquest (in case you're unaware, it's ben illegal for countries to gain territory through conquest since the end of WWII).
There is a resolution in the UN right now, has been since 1998, that lays out a two state solution that Palestine has already committed to accepting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_43/176#:~:text=in%20this%20matter.-,Votes,that%20voted%20against%20the%20resolution.).
All it requires of Israel is that they stop breaking international law. It has overwhelming international support. In fact, in its first vote, in 1988, 138 countries supported it, two abstained, and only two objected. I'll let you guess which two. Since then, it's been voted on around a dozen times. Pretty much the exact same result each time. Most recently, I believe, in 2020, where the vote was 163 to 5.