If you can look at the situation in Israel and the West Bank right now, if you can look at the religiously-justified fanaticism of the settlers, if you can look at the Birthright trips and the endless propaganda that fuels their persecution complex, and say that this happening due to pull factors is not believable, I won't waste my time arguing.
But yes, you also have a point. Pull factors weren't the only issue. In 1948, Jewish communities throughout the Middle East saw increasing antisemitic persecution for some reason. I wonder what it was, that happened in 1948, that made all of those Arabs so angry! 🤔
To be extremely clear, I have always drawn a sharp distinction between Zionists and Jews in general. I think it's absolutely wrong when anybody, Zionist or Muslim or anybody else, tries to conflate the two. And I wholeheartedly condemn any violence perpetrated against Jewish people for the Zionists' crimes. Sadly mobs aren't usually very good at nuance.
But yes, as even the page you linked notes, relations between Jews and Muslims in Egypt before Zionism were generally good:
"At the turn of the 20th century, a Jewish observer noted with 'true satisfaction that a great spirit of tolerance sustains the majority of our fellow Jews in Egypt, and it would be difficult to find a more liberal population or one more respectful of all religious beliefs."