If you think your example is comparable with this situation, again, I won't try to convice you otherwise. I have no idea where you got any sense that I was saying "let's focus on further racism".
The John McWhorters and Glenn Lourys and Chloe Valderys have only been written off as Uncle Toms by people who are invested in keeping racism alive to justify the chip on their shoulders. But the real conversations, the ones that are taking place which actually make a difference, aren't taking place on Twitter and Medium and YouTube.
To find these conversations, you actually have to involve yourself in community efforts. In fundraising and campaiging. In neighbourhood groups and charities. This is how I differentiate between people who care and people who just want to claim that they care. How far below the surface have you looked? How much time to you really spend looking at the complexities of this stuff? How carefully do you consider the viewpoints of those who you at first disagree with? What do you do with that information?
You ARE one of those white people who doesn't care😅 you're just not quite as hypocritical as the ones who virtue-signal by putting BLM flags in their yards. To be clear, I'm not mad about this at all. There are thousands of causes that, if I'm honest, I don't really care about. There are too many to genuinely care about them all. Almost everybody focuses more on the issues that affect them directly. What I find frustrating is when, despite not really caring, you take the time to quibble about them as if doing so were somehow virtuous.