I'll answer it here anyway, if not for you, then for anybody else who might read this, because I think its'a good question, albeit one that's been answered countless times before.
There are a few reasons, the first and most obvious of which (as I've also said many times before) is that governments throughout the West are funding and supporting (up to and including lying) about this particular "cause" using my taxes. The media is lying too, or presenting comically skewed perspectives on what's happening over there. My loyalty is to the truth. So when I see people being fed and believing lies, I feel compelled to say something about it.
The second reason is simply that I've learned more over the past year. When I first started writing about the conflict and our views were more in sync, there was a lot I didn't know. And I had, as I'm having now, several conversations in my comments that left me curious about whether I was missing something. So I read and researched and discovered that many of the things I'd been told or that were reported were half truths and lies.
The Gaza withdrawal, the extent of the terrorism the settlers have been perpetrating for decades, the Hannibal Directive, I still remember the day Iearned that Netanyahu and Smotrich had openly declared their support for Hamas and their reasons for doing so. I still can't believe that this has barely even been mentioned in the press.
But the real, deep down reason is simply that this is a grave injustice, happening in real time, that we can do something about. The West could force a peace in Israel by refusing to pander to Netanyahu and his gang of extremists tomorrow. And it would benefit everybody, Israeli and Palestinian, over there (well, except the settlers and the extremists).
I grew up hearing stories about slavery and the Holocaust and wondering why so many people sat by in silence. How could people consider this normal or justifiable? I asked. Why didn't people speak up for justice?
There was no need to hate white people or Germans to acknowledge that what was happening was wrong. But while some did speak up, most people stuck to their "side" or just ignored reality. And many, just like today, accepted the dehumanising propaganda about Jews or black people being subhuman and somehow deserving their treatment. Or worse, knew the truth but refuse to acknowledge it.
I don't blame all Israelis, and certainly not all Jews, for what's happening over there. I never have. I fully recognise that the Palestinians have given Israelis legitimate reason to fear for their safety, just as Nat Turner did for the slave owners. But the solution is justice. That, in my sincere opinion, is the only possible solution. I'm not the kind of person to be silent about that.