I'm not deflecting, I simply don't know what Palestinians might do in the future. There are some moderate Muslim countries in the world. And even some stricter ones, Dubai, Qatar, actually, even Saudi Arabia allow people to become citizens.
I couldn't care less about having to let other people celebrate religious holidays that have nothing to do with my religion. I'm not a Christian, so even Christmas has nothing to do with me really. I just like it for the presents.
But yes, being in a country with a different official religion is not oppression or oppressive. Just ask any atheist, the issue is when your religion (or, more accurately your ethnicity, "Jewishness" in Israel isn't about religion in any meaningful sense) grants or denies you certain rights that other people enjoy.
Some Muslim countries have oppressive religious regimes too, of course, which I absolutely oppose. But this is ultimately just whataboutism, because there's a key difference in how those countries are treated and talked about.
The West doesn't sent Iran billions of dollars in aid so they can continue to beat women to death of showing their hair. They on't sit in the UN VETOing every vote that tries to make Iran extend equal rights to women. If I were to write an article saying that Iran's morality codes are evil, say, I wouldn't have to spend the next two days in the comments dealing with insults and whataboutisms.
This is the point that I can't understand how people miss. There is terrible stuff happening all over the world. Too much to ever really cover all of. But Israel's terrible stuff receives a pass that nobody else's does. Not even America's. And, of course, in the case of Israel, it's also the West that has decided to uncritically support them, even to the point of violating their own policies in supporting war crimes, for reasons that I pray will become clear at at some point in the future.