I'm not sure how this is going to be taken, but I'll say this:
You and I are on the same side politically I'd presume. We're certainly not a miilion miles apart. We have no history, no reason to be annoyed with each other. And yet you've been pretty consistently condescending and rude in your responses. Lot's of ALL CAPS and strawmen and "honey"s.
It makes me wonder how measured you've been in these conversations where it was "impossible" to make any progress. Nobody likes being talked down to, and most people will go on the defensive as soon as that happens, ending any hope of any progress.
Now of course, I'm sure that the people you're arguing with have gotten heated too, but my point is, it's a vicious circle. Somebody has to break it. If you're approachiing these conversations with the mindset that it's going to be a battle and the person you're talking to is unreasonable and evil, it's very, very likely that's what you'll end up seeing.
I'm not saying the work of having better conversations is easy. It's really not. To answer the question you asked in another reply, I've had conversations wiith racists and sexists and anti-semites. I've had conversations with people who think the world is against them or that everybody but them is childish and selish and stupid. Have I changed every mind? No. But I've changed some. And others, I've nudged a little further towards reasonableness.
Sometimes that's the best we can do.