I'm not sure if you actually believe this, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just being melodramatic, but it's bizarre how popular this argument is.
I'm not arguing that the legal system treats white and black people the same. That would be preposterous. You are almost certainly right that the police wouldn't have been offering water to a black militia (though if they were there to protect people's property from looters, who knows), but it only takes a few seconds of googling (or closer attention to the news) to learn that yes, black people can, and occasionally do, walk around with rifles strapped to their chests without being "shot on sight" by the police. As crazy as it is, walking around with a gun strapped to your chest is perfectly legal.
Black people survive long enough to get in front of jury's all the time. Sometimes white people don't. But, of course, you don't have news reports of them shoved under your nose for days and weeks on end. And it seems the vast majority of people commenting on this case have never heard of availability bias. Black people face unfair injustice in the legal system. Again, I'm the last person who would deny this. But the cynicism, hyperbole and doomsaying isn't helpful in solving it.