I'm not sure what you're asking here. Why do I think the news coverage was inaccurate?
You just need to look through the comments here.
Numerous people still believe Rittenhouse's mother drove him to Kenosha or that he travelled with his gun. Numerous sources reported that he shot three black people, one reported that he was a police officer. Almost all news sources framed the three men who were shot as BLM supporters when you could only, extremely shakily, make that case for Huber.
And as for why anybody who understood the law knew he wouldn't be convicted, it's because almost immediately after the shooting there was widespread video evidence that he'd been attacked first and acted in a way that clearly met the standard for self defence. In Wisconsin, the prosecution have the burden of proof to show that Rittenhouse wasn't in fear for his life.
Given that there's video of him being chased by a group of strangers and one of them fires a gun metres away from him before he shoots Rosenbaum, there's absolutely no way you're going to make that case. They should never have tried to charge him with intentional or first degree homicide. It was absolutely idiotic.
As I've said to a few others here. People are mad because they don't know what they're talking about (this isn't entirely their fault), and they can't figure out how to reset in the face of new information.
And no. We don’t know that somebody of any other skin colour would be sitting in jail. This is the other mistake I see a lot of people making. Yes, the legal system doesn’t treat people of colour fairly. It’s undeniable that white people have a better chance of making it through the system unscathed. I’m not beginning to deny that. But to hear some people tell it, you’d think justice is never served for black people. This kind of hyperbole is totally cancerous to black people’s state of mind.
With the weight of video evidence and the laws as they stand, I think there’s an excellent chance that somebody of any colour would have been acquitted. The difference is that the case wouldn’t have been international news if Rittenhouse were black. The media loves race-baiting so much that they were painting him as Zimmerman 2.0 before the bodies were cold. And as I said, a lot of people simply didn’t reset as new information came in.