I'm not trying to be dismissive here, but this is a meme that ether needs to die or to be meaningfully explained.
When you say most men are "fighting tooth and nail" to uphold the patriarchy, what do you mean? What do you see most men doing to maintain the patriarchy as you define it? And how does this patriarchy, however you're defining it, relate to the problems I'm pointing to in the article?
To answer your question about racism, no. I'm not happy with any degree of racism in society. But a) I'm realistic enough to see that a degree of tribalism is inevitable in human beings. In fact, the vast majority of the social justice inclined people I come across are incredibly, even fiercely tribal. Far more so than the average person.
And b) I don't make the mistake (and it's a huge mistake in my opinion) of blaming every white person I come across, especially people who were born too recently to have had any impact on it, for the amount of racism in an entire society. I can't see any way whatsoever to justify this mindset.
So no, I don't blame women for being sick of the misogyny in society. Not at all. To the extent that I'm aware of it (and I really do try), I'm sick of it too.
Similarly, I don't blame black people for being sick of racism or disabled people for being sick of ableism, on and on. My criticism is of a mindset that takes that understandable frustration, turns it on anybody who happens to share the group characteristics of the thing they dislike. And uses that as justification for hateful or discriminatory behaviour.
There was a golden age once when we recognised that mindset as the root of all prejudice.
p.s. The man who had his penis cut off wasn’t John Wayne Bobbitt. This was a different story. And the only context given for this act that provoked the howls of laughter from the audience, is that the man had filed for divorce. Watch the clip if you want. The women’s behaviour is grotesque. And, in my opinion, unjustifiable.
And yes, in case you were wondering, of course I feel this way about violence against women too.