I'm saying that just maybe the Taliban don't have the best of motives for wanting the US out of Afghanistan. Do you think the Taliban want the US to withdraw because they want to protect American troops?! There is no easy solution here sadly because the decision was already made.
I brought it up, as an aside, because I was pointing out why the people commenting on my article might think that anybody who supports trump is evil. If you pay attention, you'd notice that I'm argung AGAINST this point of view in the article.
Just because I criticise Trump, doesn't mean I think the left is perfect. We need to stop thinking that political parties are sports teams.
Look, you seem like somebody who is genuinely trying to think about this stuff. But you won't get anywhere if your default position is always that the left is lying and the right is telliing the truth. BOTH lie. The news is almost always misleading in one way or another. It's fine to be sceptical of the left, but if you just swallow everything you hear from the right, you end up just as ignorant as the "woke" idiots.