I'm sure that he's not prominent or mainstream enough for you (not sure why that makes the slightest differnce), but William Darity is a good starting point from a public intellectual point of view. Here's a video which I'm sure won't change your thinking at all.
Also, while I disagree with the notion that pursuing financial reparations makes any sense, Ta-Nehisi Coates' "The Case For Reparations" is an excellent primer on the ways that past racism still impacts black people. Again, I know that you think 60 years ago is ancient history. So I'm sure this won't change your thinking either.
From a "black people are the same as white people just with more melanin" point of view I strongly suggest that you make an effort to meet and interact with black people in a more psychologically healthy way than annoying us in the comments of our articles. Selecting for black people you meet online, who write about racism, and then "engaging" us by arguing that racism doesn't exist, absolutely guarantees a broken view of black people, just as if I judged all white people by the standards of people like you in my comments I'd lose every ounce of my optimism about white people in general.
Again, I have no hope that this will make the slightest dent in your thinking as we've already established that the centre of the bullseye for you is that racism has no impact. So please don't come back and tell me what you think. I'm only writing this because you asked me to give you examples. I've ignored the numerous things I could have argued with in your latest reply in the interests of FINALLY ending this conversation. If you can't do the same here and let this go, I'm just going to block you.