It's absolutely wild to me how many people have been fooled into believing that the political parties are exactly the same or that political candidates should be treated the same even when they're obviously, materially not.
If one candidate has spend four years lying about a stolen election and praising Putin and Hitler and denigrating his own country's military and intelligence services, and the other hasn't, do you really believe that they should face equal degrees of criticism?
Should everybody pretend that having an annoying laugh or "code switching" at rallies is exactly as troublesome as doing nothing for eight hours while a mob that you incited chants "Hang Mike Pence" at the Capitol building?
And "the Left" had nothing to do with Trump's security team. What even is this thinking? The secret service isn't partisan. It doesn't become "the left" just because a democratic president is in power.
And believe me, if some organised body wanted to kill Trump, if they had the power to deliberately arrange it so that somebody could get on a roof with a rifle, 400 feet from Trump, without anybody stopping them, they wouldn't have entrusted the shot to a 20-year-old nerd with no training. In 1981, a lunatic got within a few yards of Ronald Reagan and got six shots off, one of them hitting him. Was that also "the left." Or is it possible that sometimes bad things happen and it's not some weird, shadowy conspiracy.
I have to say, judging by the prevalence of this reflexive, poorly thought out conspiracy thinking on the political right, I’m not at all convinced that mental illness has a uniform distribution by population.