I've never met him. I'm betting you haven't either. But no, I don't see the truth in what you're saying. And from the bottom of my heart, if that's wrong, I don't want to be right. I don't want to believe that the colour of my skin is unfortunate. I don't want to believe that white people hold some magical power over me.
I also don't want to fight with you. I understand that you've been through things that I haven't. I understand that you've lived through levels of bigotry and racism that I, thanks to the struggle and sacrifice of your generation, haven't had to live through. But that's the point I'm really trying to make here. You guys did it. You won your battles. The world you grew up in isn't the world we live in today.
There's still work to be done. I'm the last person who would deny that. But it's different work. And some f the lenses you may have learned to look at the world through don't work as well today. Isn't the goal a world where no black person, ever again, even for one second, thinks of the colour of their skin as unfortunate??