No, a straw man is arguing with a weakened or inaccurate version of somebody's point. You said, and I quote, that my logic is that "a Black Lives Matter protest is now not a Black Lives Matter protest because white people are protesting alongside and in defense of Black lives."
This is nothing like the argument I make in the article. And is so trivially dumb that even your own readers couldn't get behind it.
I note your confusion that a few of your commenters didn't understood the point you were trying to make with your article. It's because your article is built on this straw man. And instead of having the intellectual humility to wonder if you've made a mistake, you just tell everybody that they "don't get it".
But let me try to steelman your case:
It seems to me you're using the term "white supremacy" to describe what I would probably call unconscious bias. And it's absolutely possible, probable even, that black police officers could display unconscious bias towards black people under the right circumstances.
So if we were talking about a traffic stop for a nice car or a hasty shooting, I wouldn't hesitate to agree that unconscious bias was likely a factor. But these cops beat the man to death over the course of eleven minutes. That's a decision.
It wasn't an assumption, subconscious or otherwise, that his black skin made him a criminal, it wasn't a snap judgement made in a split second, it was a prolonged beating by five men for no other reason than that they could. The violence is the key factor here. Just as, as I said in the other comment, the violence is the issue when cops are over twice as likely to commit domestic violence.